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07 October, 2022

How to make pickles | Bread & Butter Pickles | Water bath canning

Hi Neighbours, I hope you are doing fantastic. Today I am sharing a pickling recipe from the canning book I have.  It is a traditional Bread and butter Pickle Recipe. Below are the ingredients and method. Please if you haven't already subscribed and help my channel grow and if you like the video leave a like and share it out to others on your social media 🙂


10 cups of sliced and trimmed pickling cucumbers (2.5 L)
4 medium onions thinly sliced
1/2 cup Pickling & preserving or salt for pickling and preserving
3 cups of white vinegar or 750 mls
2 cups of granulated sugar or 50mls
2 tablespoons of mustard seeds or 30 mls
1 tsp of celery seed or 5 mls
1 tsp of ground turmeric
and if you want to add 1/8 of pickling crisp to each jar you make you, can it says that it is optional

1. In a glass or stainless-steel bowl, combine cucumber, onions and salt. Mix well, cover with cold water and let stand at room temperature for 2 hours. transfer over colander placed over a sink, rinse with cool running water and drain thoroughly. 
2.  Meanwhile, prepare canner, jars and lids. 
3.  In a large stainless-steel saucepan, combine vinegar, sugar, mustard seeds, celery seeds and turmeric. Bring to a boil and cover over medium heat, stirring to dissolve sugar. Stir in vegetables and bring back to a boil.
4.  Pack vegetables into hot jars to within a generous 1/2 inch or 1 cm headspace (of top of jar). Ladle hot liquid into jars to cover vegetables. Leaving 1/2 inch or 1 cm of headspace. Add 1/8th tsp  or .05 mls of pickling crisp if using to each jar (500 mls jars) Remove air bubbles and adjust headspace, if necessary, by adding hot pickling liquid. wipe rim. center lid on jar. screw band down until resistance is met. then increase the fingertip tight. 
5.  Place jars in canner, ensuring they are completely covered with water. Bring to a boil and process for 10 minutes . Remove canner lid. wait 5 minutes, then remove jars, cool and store.

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