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13 June, 2014

Thai Style Chicken and Pineapple

Chicken and pineapple dishes can be found all across the tropics, from southern China to Antigua in the Caribbean. This recipe adds courgettes as an interesting flavour and texture, and ginger gives a nice spicy note to this delicious exotic dish. It is surprisingly simple to make. 

Serves 4


1 medium sized free range organic chicken (or four breast fillets), deboned and cut into 1cm thick (1/2") slices.

2 cloves of garlic, finely sliced.
Thai fish sauce (see Method below).
Thai light soy sauce (see Method below).
2 medium onions, peeled and simply quartered.
2 small courgettes, rougly chopped.
1 fresh pineapple, peeled and cut into generous chunks.
A thumb-sized piece of fresh ginger, peeled and chopped.
1 red pepper, deseeded and cut into large pieces.
The green tops of a bunch of spring onions cut to about thumb length.
2-3 bird eye chilli peppers, finely chopped (hot!).
1 level tablespoon of palm sugar or soft brown sugar
Oil for stir-frying.
3-4 teaspoons of cornflour (cornstarch).
2 cups of chicken stock.
Finely chopped spring onions and fresh coriander leaves for garnish.


Marinate the chicken in the garlic and a splash each of fish sauce and light soy sauce. Set aside while you prepare the fruit and vegetables.

Assemble all the fruit and vegetables in a bowl and toss to mix well. Heat about 2 tablespoons of oil in a wok and stir-fry the mixture at high temperature until the onion begins to turn translucent. Add the sugar, 1 cup of chicken stock and a generous splash each of fish sauce and soy sauce then stir to mix. Lower the heat to a simmer and cover with a lid. Mix half the cornflour with some water and use this to thicken the mixture. When the mixture starts to bubble again, pour it into a large derving dish, making room for the chicken. Set aside and keep warm.

Add the remaining cornflour to the meat and stir to mix and coat the chicken pieces. Clean the wok then add another 2 tablespoons of oil, then heat until very hot before adding the chicken. Stir-fry until the chicken begins to brown, then add 1 cup of chicken stock and a generous splash each of fish sauce and soy sauce then stir to mix. The dry cornflour protects the texture of the meat and later helps to form a nice sauce. Once the chicken is ready, pour over the pineapple and vegetable sauce, mix and garnish with finely chopped spring onions and fresh coriander leaves.


Serve on a bed of plain steamed rice.


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